Synthetic Terror in Iraq
British Prime Minister Tony Blair stated that those who committed the attack on the Golden Mosque “have only one motive: to create a violent sedition between the Sunnis and the Shiites in order to derail the Iraqi rising democracy from its path.”The bombing came shortly after the Abu Ghraib scandal popped up again. The Abu Ghraib crimes helped solidify sentiment against the US. An Iraq united against its American and British occupiers is trouble. A divided, bloody Iraq, while ugly and a PR problem, nevertheless helps the occupiers stay entrenched. This of course is the old British divide-and-conquer strategy.
Well said Mr. Blair, particularly when we keep in mind the fact that less than a year ago in Basra, two undercover British SAS soldiers were detained by Iraqi security forces whilst traveling in a car full of bombs and remote detonators.
Jailed and accused by Muqtada al-Sadr and others of attempting to generate sectarian conflict by planting bombs in mosques, they were broken out of the Iraqi jail by the British military before they could be tried.
Could it be any more obvious what is going on here?